Information Text for Commercial Electronic Communications

Illumination Text for Commercial Electronic Messages

Update Date: 03.04.2023

Undercover Pergola Aluminum and Glass Systems İth. Ihr. Singing. Trade Ltd. Sti. (VD / No: Küçük Yalı - 8920652109) (Under Cover) belonging (Website) is a platform established to introduce the products on the Website, which may change from time to time, and to present product information to consumers.

This Terms of Use text (Agreement) [Address will go here] has been prepared to regulate the relationship between the Under Cover registered at Istanbul address and the people (Users) who visit/access the Website, who are introduced on the Website and whose product information is presented.
The contract is concluded between Under Cover and the User. In the Agreement, the User and Under Cover will be referred to separately as the "Party" and together as the "Parties".

The User accepts and declares that by visiting/accessing the Website, regardless of whether he/she benefits from the products or not, he/she has read all the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement, fully understands its content and approves all its provisions electronically.

The contract has been created for the purpose of regulating the issues that are not included in the other texts prepared for the use of the Website, especially the terms and conditions that must be complied with in any case while the products are offered or even if the products are not offered.

The subject of the contract is to determine the terms of use of the Website and the rights and obligations of the Parties. The website constitutes a whole with all its sub-components and domain names. Http, https, ftp, dns, database, mobile, IOS, Android, e-mail, API and all similar services and any documents, photos, videos and similar files uploaded to the Website are subject to the provisions of the Agreement, regardless of where they are physically hosted.

Users start using the Website by accessing the Website interface. The User has a limited right to use the Website under the conditions set forth in the Agreement and within the legal limits.

By using the Website, users agree and undertake to comply with the provisions of the legislation in force, ethical rules and all rules and laws regarding internet use.

While using the Website, the user must comply with all the conditions in the Agreement and other agreements that he has or will enter into with Under Cover, the rules specified in the relevant parts of the Website, and in particular the Law No. 5651 on Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed Through These Publications. , accepts, declares and undertakes that it will act in accordance with all applicable legislation, including the Electronic Communications Law No. 5809, the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, and the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, and that it will not engage in any illegal activity.

By visiting the Website, the User accepts, declares and undertakes that he has read, understood and approved all the terms and rules regarding the use of the Website.

Interruptions in communication between the Website and the User, reductions in service quality due to technical problems such as any error, negligence, interruption, deletion, deterioration, delay in transmission or communication network failure for any reason not caused by Under Cover (infrastructural and/or hardware reasons, etc.). it could be. Under Cover cannot be held responsible for the problems that the User may experience due to these interruptions.

The user is obliged to carry out the transactions on the Website in a way that will not harm the Website in any way technically. All information, content, material and other content that the user will provide to the Website may not contain any program, virus, software, unlicensed product, trojan horse, etc. that will harm the system. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it has taken all necessary measures, including using the protective software that is essential to prevent it. The User shall not use viruses, worms, bugs, trojans or similar codes, files or programs that disrupt, use excessive resources, limit or damage the functionality of the Website, or that are capable of causing such disruptive or harmful effects, will take necessary security measures against such code, files or programs.

Under Cover does not warrant the continuity, quality, accuracy, uninterrupted, error-free or virus-free or other harmful components or defects of its service.

Users, while visiting and using the Website; It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not engage in any unlawful and immoral acts listed below, including but not limited to.

  • Violating the provisions of this Agreement and other agreements to be concluded within the scope of this Website,
  • To act in violation of the provisions of the current legislation and the regulations regarding internet use,
  • Giving incomplete, incorrect and misleading information during registration/membership to the Website,
  • Not to provide up-to-date and accurate information about himself, to use the information of another person obtained unlawfully,
  • To obtain or attempt to obtain the information of the Users illegally,
  • Creating more than one account with information and/or documents (real or fictitious) that do not belong to him, and/or using Under Cover and the Website to mislead Users about their identity by changing/hide their IP address or by other means,
  • To unlawfully change, use or try to change and use the information published by Under Cover,
  • Violating Under Cover's intellectual property rights,
  • Upload, share, post any content that is unlawful, obscene, infringing on the privacy of others, pornographic, contains or depicts nudity,
  • Taking actions that damage the reputation of Under Cover and/or a third party or prevent Under Cover's activities,
  • To transmit illegal information and/or to share harmful data such as chain mail, software virus,
  • Making unlawful and/or immoral sharing that violates the rights of third parties, constitutes unfair competition, but is not limited to those listed,
  • To engage in behaviors and activities that will adversely affect / prevent the operation of the Website, to act to manipulate the operation of the Website, to prevent security systems, and
  • Making the Website unusable by preparing automatic programs or attempting to do so.

Under Cover's right to resort to legal and criminal remedies is reserved if the User violates these obligations.

Under Cover is not liable and/or indemnified in the event of the following conditions and conditions regarding the Website:

  • The User's use of the Website for an unlawful purpose and therefore direct and/or indirect damage occurs,
  • Direct and/or indirect damages that may occur as a result of performance loss, deficiencies, errors, interruptions, internet data package expenditures, computer viruses, line and/or system failures that may occur during or after the use of the Website,

The User may use the pictures, texts, visual and audio images, files, texts, statistics, information contained on the Website, in a way that violates Under Cover's intellectual property rights, property rights or any right regarding goods or services that may be subject to intellectual property rights, It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not reproduce, copy, spread, distribute, transfer the contents, databases, catalogs and lists.

The User is obliged to comply with all kinds of agreements concluded with respect to the Agreement and the Website, and shall pay any damages incurred by Under Cover due to any violation of the User's actions immediately, in cash and in full, upon the first request.

Under Cover may at any time without notice limit or stop access to the Website in case the operational security of the network is in danger, the continuity of access to the network, to prevent malfunctions that may occur in the network, software or recorded files, to prevent possible malfunctions or to reduce its effect, and in other cases it deems necessary.

Under Cover, all data, information and documents belonging to the User within the scope of Under Cover services, partially or completely, for investigation, prosecution, administrative review, audit, quality control, information security, risk analysis and similar purposes without any notification or permission to the User. review, control, view, monitor, save, delete, process and share with the competent authorities and relevant third parties. This issue cannot be considered as a breach of personal data, copyright infringement or the disclosure of trade secrets. Due to the use of this right and authority, the User has no right to demand compensation on material or moral, contractual or non-contractual grounds.

The natural person User accepts, declares and undertakes that he is of legal age and is not limited in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Even if minors and/or restricted persons have completed their registration, they cannot benefit from the rights and powers of being a "User". Requests and actions to the contrary are not the responsibility of Under Cover.

Under Cover accepts that it will fulfill its obligations arising from all kinds of legislation and Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, including the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, regarding the confidential information and personal data that the User provides to him in order to benefit from the Website. The user is obliged to constantly follow the Website and the updates in the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy on the Website.

The User acknowledges that the Website is owned and operated by Under Cover. The content of the website is covered and protected under the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. As a rule, Under Cover is the exclusive right holder of any software, design, source code, objective code, directory, image or content on the website. The User shall in no way reverse engineer or take any other action to find, obtain or copy the source code of the Website, violate the security of any computer network, crack security encryption codes, attempt SPAM mail or malware, otherwise In this case, it accepts, declares and undertakes that it will be responsible for any damages that may arise before Under Cover and third parties.

Under Cover may at any time terminate all or part of the Website, which forms the basis of the Agreement, without prior notice and without giving any reason.

Under Cover, at its sole discretion and unilaterally, may amend the Agreement at any time it deems appropriate, by posting on the Website, to enter into force as soon as it is announced on the Website.

Under Cover, if the User approves, that is, ticks the relevant checkbox, campaigns, advantages, promotions, promotions, advertisements, surveys, researches and may be contacted for the purposes of presenting and informing other customer satisfaction practices.

If the user does not want to be contacted within this scope, the user can withdraw the consent he has provided. The withdrawal of consent does not prevent the notifications that are required to be sent to the User in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation to which Under Cover is subject.
